3D Tracking: projection and removal

1 Markers removal: I rotopainted the markers creating tracked patches into the 3D scene

Screenshot of the original sequence (with markers)
3D view: one camera is not moving being the projector while the other is moving forward.
Patches are located exactly on the selected points
process on nuke

2nd video

original plate
I 3D tracked the video and removed some elements from the scene.
2nd version
3D View

3D Tracking

Tracking a 2d video to create a 3D environment. I have applied to the plate axises and cards in order to make visible the 3d space.

I have issues when I create the camera, it always appears under the ground level…
Process on Nuke
2nd video, two cards applied on the walls and few axises around to make the 3d environment visible
3d view of the camera and the cards\axis
Process on nuke

Final reel

In this plate I tried to use most of the tools I have learnt during the first term using Nuke.

I first stabilized the footage and then I denoised it in order to track it way better. After that I started to rotoscope the main character because I want her always to be in front of everything I have added to scene.

I did some color grading, white balance and color-matching with all the images and videos that I added to the scene.

The original plate had some details which I didn’t like, for example some stains on the walls, tubes, people and signs. So I did some clean ups and replace where I could.

original plate
Final reel
edited 2
1st of the process

Clean UP (rotopaint)

First exercise: clean up
the process on Nuke
From this plate I want to remove the slippers from the ground in the foreground
The problem here was that the clean up shape was continuing going in the scene
This plate was complicated due to its movements and changes of prospective
the process on Nuke
Original plate
I have removed the cars on the right and some elements in the field
the process on Nuke

CornerPin & Planar Track


I tracked the three spaces with Planar Track and CornerPin allowing me to match the three posters.
The process on Nuke


Original Plate
Using PlanarTrack I tracked two areas of the scene, applying then the two elements (graffiti and the big yellow sign)
Process on Nuke


Original plate to stabilize and track (cornerpin and planar track)
Here I added several elements:
Starting from the left I added a bansky graffiti using planar track, the element is located below the pole (as it has been rotoscoped). Then I applied the mandalorian poster with cornerpin which is below Antoni (rotoscoped), letting the black lives matter sign emerge from the original video and the anarchy logo of bansky. Finally on the floor is the number 2020 applied with a corner pin, placed underneath the walking Antoni
The process on nuke: first I have stabilized the sequence
Final process on Nuke

Journey to Maya

Texan Boot

Starting with this boot as a reference
we imported the picture into Maya to work closely to the image
We downloaded a 360 background in order to locate our boot


Drift Mask from Fortnite Please Read : This is just the STL files to be  able to print your own mask on a 3D printer. If you p… | Kitsune mask, 3d
My reference’s Mask
We started from this 3d head model. Using the quad draw we achieved to get the base for our mask.
once we create the face we then start to model it as mach similar to our reference
At this point my mask is almost ready and I sent it to mudbox in order to modify the surface, adding details, material and colors…
But first… let’s check the UV
Still a “work in progress…”
3d render video Maya

Denoise, Track and Stabilize

original plate, focusing on the two signs on both side of the street
Here I have denoised the clip in order to track the elements better. After that I tracked the two elements and applied the new logos.
process on nuke

original plate, the clip is a bit shaky so I am going to stabilize tracking two points in the scene
The clip is stabilized and I have tracked the sign on the left, applying a new image on it
process on nuke
timelapse: Stabilize process