I tracked the three spaces with Planar Track and CornerPin allowing me to match the three posters. The process on Nuke
Original Plate
Using PlanarTrack I tracked two areas of the scene, applying then the two elements (graffiti and the big yellow sign) Process on Nuke
Original plate to stabilize and track (cornerpin and planar track)
Here I added several elements: Starting from the left I added a bansky graffiti using planar track, the element is located below the pole (as it has been rotoscoped). Then I applied the mandalorian poster with cornerpin which is below Antoni (rotoscoped), letting the black lives matter sign emerge from the original video and the anarchy logo of bansky. Finally on the floor is the number 2020 applied with a corner pin, placed underneath the walking Antoni The process on nuke: first I have stabilized the sequenceFinal process on Nuke